Buckwheat and Avalokiteśvara / Ajda in Avalokiteśvara


  • Yutaka Honda Headquarters, NARO, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 3058517 Japan




I investigated the situation of the dedication ceremony of buckwheat noodle in two temples. The buckwheat noodle is dedicated to Avalokiteśvara in both temples. These temples have long history from the foundation, however these ceremonies are never old, if anything new. Buckwheat production increased three times in the past thirty years in Japan. Domestic buckwheat is recognized as good taste and good quality. People visit temple and eat the famous buckwheat noodle in temple town. The interests or merits in the both of restaurants’ owners and the temple’s priests agree each other.  Increasing of production gives birth to new concerned industry or activity of old industry. We can see that the increase of the crop production has the new potential in the human culture.

Key words: buckwheat, hand-made buckwheat noodle, Avalokiteśvara, Buddhism temple



V dveh templjih je avtor raziskoval obred posvečenja ajdovih rezancev. V obeh so ajdovi rezanci posvečeni božanstvu Avalokiteśvara. Templja imata dolgo zgodovino, toda  svečanosti posvečene ajdi so se začele šele v novejšem času. V zadnjih tridesetih letih se je obseg pridelovanja ajde na Japonskem potrojil. Na Japonskem pridelana domača ajda je cenjena zaradi dobrega okusa in kakovosti. Ljudje obiskujejo tempelj, da bi v tempeljskem mestu jedli znano ajdo. Lastniki restavracij in svečeniki v templju skupaj skrbijo za kakovost. Povečana izdelava testenin omogoča pojavljanje novih izdelovalcev in razvoj dosedanjih. Povečano pridelovanje ajde je pomembno tudi z vidika kulturnega razvoja.

Ključne besede: ajda, ročno izdelane ajdove testenine, Avalokiteśvara, budistični tempelj





