Folia biologica et geologica <p><em>Folia biologica et geologica, </em>ISSN 2335-2914,<em> </em> (Ex: Razprave, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Razred za naravoslovne vede / Dissertationes classis IV; ISSN 0352-5090), is a scientific periodical of the Classis IV: Natural history of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, that publishes natural scientific proceedings and review articles referring mainly to researches in ethnic region of ours, and also in Europe and elsewhere being of importance, necessity and comparison to our researches.</p> <p>It is published two to four times annually.</p> <p>The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <p> </p> en-US Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:<br /> <ol type="a"><br /><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><br /><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><br /><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol> (Ivan Kreft) (Petra Vide Ogrin) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:17:17 +0200 OJS 60 Nekatere značilnosti rastja in rastlinstva v dolini Suhorice v Brkinih (jugozahodna Slovenija) / Some characteristics of vegetation and flora in the Suhorica valley in the Brkini Hills (southwestern Slovenia) <p>In a 4.5 km long, predominantly forest-covered section of the Suhorica valley between the localities Bibec and Bižaj (central Brkini Hills, southwestern Slovenia, quadrant 0350/4), the area of a proposed reservoir for additional water supply for Slovenian Istria (which has been suspended for the time being!) we identified eight plant communities. The most important in terms of nature conservation are riparian forests of black alder (<em>Lamio orvalae-Alnetum glutinosae</em>) as well as riverine and semi-dry slope meadows (<em>Anthoxantho-Brometum erecti caricetosum pallescentis, Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae holcetosum lanati</em>). We recorded approximately 450 taxa of vascular plants in the valley and its slopes, including 20 protected and 20 Red List species. The most threatened are <em>Gladiolus illyricus</em> and <em>Orchis coriophora.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Izvleček</strong></p> <p>Na okoli 4,5 km dolgem, v glavnem gozdnatem odseku doline Suhorice med krajema Bibec in Bižaj (osrednji Brkini, jugozahodna Slovenija, kvadrant 0350/4), kjer so pred nekaj leti načrtovali gradnjo velikega zajetja za dodatno oskrbo Slovenske Istre z vodo (namero so za zdaj opustili!), smo ugotovili osem rastlinskih združb, med katerimi so naravovarstveno najbolj pomembni logi črne jelše (<em>Lamio orvalae-Alnetum glutinosae</em>) in obrečni in pobočni polsuhi travniki (<em>Anthoxantho-Brometum erecti caricetosum pallescentis, Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae holcetosum lanati</em>). V dolini in na pobočjih nad njo smo popisali okoli 450 taksonov praprotnic in semenk, med njimi jih je 20 zavarovanih in prav toliko tudi na rdečem seznamu. Najbolj ogroženi sta vrsti <em>Gladiolus illyricus</em> in <em>Orchis coriophora.</em><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> Igor Dakskobler Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Fitocenološka analiza grmišč s prevladujočim navadnim brinom (Juniperus communis) v zahodni Sloveniji / Phytosociological analysis of shrubs with dominant Juniperus communis in western Slovenia <p>We conducted a phytosociological analysis of <em>Juniperus communis-</em>dominated shrub communities on former meadows and pastures, and on very rocky areas in the montane belt of western Slovenia. We classified them into two new associations, <em>Ferulago galbaniferae-Juniperetum communis</em> and <em>Phyteumato columnae-Juniperetum communis</em>, a new suballiance <em>Fraxino orni-Juniperenion communis,</em> and alliance <em>Brachypodio pinnati-Juniperion communis (Prunetalia spinosae, Crataego-Prunetea,</em> syn. <em>Rhamno-Prunetea</em>). We also analysed shrub communities with dominant <em>Cotoneaster integerrimus </em>agg., but were unable to validly describe them at the rank of association based on only five relevés.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Izvleček</strong></p> <p>Fitocenološko smo raziskali grmišča s prevladujočim navadnim brinom <em>(Juniperus communis</em>) na nekdanjih travnikih in pašnikih ter zelo skalnatih površinah v gorskem pasu zahodne Slovenije. Uvrstili smo jih v dve novi asociaciji, <em>Ferulago galbaniferae-Juniperetum communis in Phyteumato columnae-Juniperetum communis, </em>v novo podzvezo <em>Fraxino orni-Juniperenion communis</em> in v zvezo <em>Brachypodio pinnati-Juniperion communis </em>(<em>Prunetalia spinosae, Crataego-Prunetea,</em> sin. <em>Rhamno-Prunetea</em>). Obravnavali smo tudi grmišča s prevladujočo navadno panešpljo (<em>Cotoneaster integerrimus</em> agg.), ki pa jih na podlagi le petih popisov še nismo mogli veljavno opisati na rangu asociacije.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> Igor Dakskobler Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Razporeditev vodnih makrofitov v dveh vodotokih kraške reke Ljubljanice, Obrh in Rak / Distribution of macrophytes in two tributaries of the karstic River Ljubljanica, Obrh and Rak <p>Rivers are spatially and temporally heterogeneous systems that are susceptible to changes due to anthropogenic influences. These can significantly alter water quality and river communities, including macrophytes, which are involved in nutrient cycling, energy flow and sedimentation processes, and provide habitats for other organisms. The presence, abundance, and distribution of macrophytes can thus serve as indicators of the state of aquatic ecosystems. Rivers that flow (partially) underground are particularly susceptible to (human) impacts from the hinterland due to their lower self-purification capacity. Using a modified RCE (a Riparian, Channel, and Environmental Inventory) method, we classified the Rak River as first or second RCE quality class, and the Obrh River as second or third RCE quality class. According to the River Macrophyte Index (RMI), the ecological status of both rivers was moderate, good or very good, except for the first section of the Obrh, the status of which was assessed as poor. The ecomorphological preservation of both rivers and suitable conditions for macrophyte growth contribute to the high species diversity observed in both rivers: a total of 36 taxa were recorded in the Obrh and 38 in the Rak. In the latter, the presence of <em>Myriophyllum verticillatum</em> L. was recorded for the first time at the time of our sampling. Almost one third of the species in each of the rivers are listed on the Slovenian Red list of threatened pteridophytes and seed plants, supporting the evidence of their high naturalness and emphasizing the importance of appropriate management of karst watercourses.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Izvleček</strong></p> <p>Reke so prostorsko in časovno heterogeni sistemi, občutljivi na spremembe zaradi antropogenih vplivov. Ti lahko odločilno spremenijo kakovost vodnega ekosistema ter rečne združbe, vključno z makrofiti, ki sodelujejo v kroženju hranil, pretoku energije in procesih sedimentacije ter nudijo življenjski prostor drugim organizmom. Prisotnost, abundanca in razporeditev makrofitov lahko zato služijo kot indikatorji stanja vodnih ekosistemov. Reke, ki (deloma) tečejo pod zemljo, so zaradi manjše samočistilne sposobnosti še posebej občutljive na (človekove) vplive iz zaledja. S pomočjo prirejene metode RCE (angl. <em>A Riparian, Channel, and Environmental Inventory</em>) smo reko Rak uvrstili v prvi oz. drugi RCE kakovostni razred, reko Obrh pa v drugi oz. tretji RCE kakovostni razred. Na podlagi RMI indeksa (angl. <em>River Macrophyte Index</em>) smo reki Rak in Obrh uvrstili v zmerno, dobro oz. zelo dobro ekološko stanje, z izjemo prvega odseka Obrha, ki smo ga uvrstili v slabo ekološko stanje. Ekomorfološka ohranjenost obeh rek ter ugodne razmere za rast makrofitov omogočajo njihovo visoko vrstno pestrost: v Obrhu smo zabeležili 36 taksonov, v Raku pa 38, pri čemer smo v slednji prvič zabeležili prisotnost vrste <em>Myriophyllum verticillatum</em> L. Skoraj tretjina vrst, prisotnih v vsaki izmed rek, je uvrščenih na Rdeči seznam ogroženih praprotnic in semenk, kar dokazuje visoko stopnjo njune ohranjenosti ter poudarja pomen ustreznega upravljanja kraških vodotokov.</p> Marija Kravanja, Mateja Germ Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0200