New localities of Adiantum capillus-veneris and Moehringia villosa in the southern Julian Alps / Nova nahajališča vrst Adiantum capillus-veneris in Moehringia villosa v južnih Julijskih Alpah


  • Igor Dakskobler Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Biology, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin
  • Andrej Martinčič Zaloška 78 a, SI-1000 Ljubljana



The article describes new localities of two rare species of conservationimportance of Slovenian flora in the southern Julian Alps (the Tolmin-Bohinj and Krn Mts.). The stands of the Mediterranean species Adiantum capillus-venerisin Kneška Grapa gorge under Mt. Masovnik (Kneške Ravne) at elevations 570–600 m are assigned to the new variant Eucladio-Adiantetum hymenostylietosum recurvirostrivar. Astrantia carniolica. Moehringia villosa,an endemic species of European conservation importance, has its northwesternmost locality in its entire distribution range at Curk waterfall in the spring area of the Kozjak under Mt. Krnčica, where it occurs in the stands of the variant Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosaevar. Paederota lutea.  

Key words: flora, vegetation, Adiantum capillus-veneris, Moehringia villosa, Natura 2000, Triglav National park, Slovenia



Opisujemo nova nahajališča dveh redkih in varstveno pomembnih vrst slovenske flore v južnih Julijskih Alpah (Tolminsko-Bohinjsko in Krnsko pogorje). Sestoje mediteranske vrste Adiantum capillus-venerisv Kneški grapi pod Masovnikom (Kneške Ravne) na nadmorski višini približno 570–600 m uvrščamo v novo varianto Eucladio-Adiantetum hymenostylietosum recurvirostrivar. Astrantia carniolica. Endemit in evropsko varstveno pomembna vrsta Moehringia villosaima pri slapu Curk v povirju Kozjaka pod Krnčico, kjer uspeva v sestojih variante Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosaevar. Paederota luteado zdaj najbolj severozahodno nahajališče v celotnem območju razširjenosti. 

Ključne besede: flora, vegetacija, Adiantum capillus-veneris, Moehringia villosa, Natura 2000, Triglavski narodni park, Slovenija





