Gasterocercus depressirostris (Fabricius 1792), nov rilčkar (Curculionidea, Coleoptera) v favni Slovenije / Gasterocercus depressirostris (Fabricius 1792), a weevil (Curculionidea, Coleoptera) new for the fauna in Slovenia


  • Božidar Drovenik
  • Branko Vreš Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts


The weevil fauna (Curculionidea, Coleoptera) of Slovenia has counted around 830 species. While sampling with light traps the beetles of the village Police near Gornja Radgona in 2004, a new species (and genus) of weevils Gasterocercus depressirostris (Fabricius 1792) for the fauna of Slovenia was found. We believe that G. depressirostris is a rare and endangered species in Slovenia, which lives in oak-hornbeam stands (Querco-Carpinetum s. lat.) only in north-eastern part of Štajerska. We suggest its inclusion in the Red list of endangered beetles of Slovenia.

Keywords: weevils, Curculionidea, Coleoptera, Slovenia, Gasterocercus depressirostris


V favni rilčkarjev (Curculionidea, Coleoptera) Slovenije je bilo doslej znanih okrog 830 vrst. V prispevku predstavljamo za Slovenijo novo vrsto in hkrati nov rod rilčkarja Gasterocercus depressirostris (Fabricius 1792), ki je bila ujeta leta 2004 s pomočjo svetlobnih pasti v zaselku Police pri Gornji Radgoni (severovzhodna Štajerska). Ta rilčkar je redka in ogrožena reliktna evropska vrsta, ki živi v primarnih hrastovo gabrovih gozdovih (Querco-Carpinetum s. lat.), zato predlagamo vključitev vrste v rdeči seznam ogroženih hroščev Slovenije.

Ključne besede: rilčkarji, Curculionidea, Coleoptera, Slovenia, Gasterocercus depressirostris





