A new locality of Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum in the Idrija hills, the first in Slovenia outside the Julian Alps / Novo nahajališče taksona Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum v Idrijskem hribovju, prvo v Sloveniji zunaj Julijskih Alp


  • Rafael Terpin
  • Igor Dakskobler Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana


The paper describes the new locality and site of the taxon Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum in the Idrija hills (Kališe, Idrijske Krnice), which is the first locality known in Slovenia outside the Julian Alps. It grows on a wet and acid meadow (Polygalo-Nardetum allietosum alpinae), which is still mown once a year. Its community is floristically very different from the communities in which this taxon grows in the Julian Alps, which was illustrated with the phytosociological table. The occurrence of the subalpine species in the hills on the northern edge of the Dinaric mountains is interpreted as an ice-age remnant.

Key words: Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum, Saxifrago aizoidis-Caricetum ferrugineae, Polygalo-Nardetum, the Julian Alps, the Idrija hills, Slovenia


V članku opisujemo novo nahajališče in rastišče taksona Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum v Idrijskem hribovju (Kališe, Idrijske Krnice), ki je v Sloveniji prvo znano zunaj Julijskih Alp. Raste na mokrotnem in zakisanem travniku (Polygalo-Nardetum allietosum alpinae), ki ga enkrat na leto še kosijo. Njegova združba se floristično zelo razlikuje od združb, v katerih ta takson raste v Julijskih Alpah, kar smo ponazorili s fitocenološko tabelo. Pojavljanje subalpinske vrste v hribovju na severnem robu Dinarskega gorstva razlagamo kot ostanek iz ledenih dob.

Ključne besede: Allium schoenoprasum subsp. alpinum, Saxifrago aizoidis-Caricetum ferrugineae, Polygalo-Nardetum, Julijske Alpe, Idrijsko hribovje, Slovenija





