Flora okolice kraja Oplotnica (kvadrant 9658/2) / Flora of the vicinity of Oplotnica (Slovenia, Štajerska, 9658/2)


  • Tanja Sunčič
  • Branko Vreš Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
  • Božo Frajman Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck


The purpose of this study was a floristic inventory of the vicinity of Oplotnica, situated in grid cell 9658/2 of the floristic mapping of the Central European flora. It lies on the border of two geographical units – Pohorje and Dravinjske gorice as well as two phytogeographical regions – Alpine and Subpannonian, which enhances the diversity of ecological conditions. Before our field investigations 301 taxa of Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes were known for this grid cell (floristic databases “Flora Slovenije” hosted at the Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora and “FloVegSi” at the Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Slovenian Academy of Sciences). In 35 days of field work between 2008 and 2011 we conducted 206 inventories in 97 polygons and collected data of 555 taxa. Of these, 314 were new for the grid cell. We were not able to confirm the presence of 57 taxa, previously recorded in 9658/2. Twenty-five of the recorded species are protected by law. Three of these are found in wet habitats and are of special conservation concern: Carex bohemica, Cyperus michelianus and Eleocharis carniolica. Some of the recorded species, such as Onopordum acanthium and Silene nemoralis, are rare in Slovenia. Based on the results, the forest and pond Partovec as well as the area NW of the village Gračič emerged as floristically rich areas and are also of potential conservation interest.

Key words: Flora of Slovenia, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, Dravinjske gorice, Pohorje, nature conservation, horology


Namen raziskave je bil popis flore v okolici Oplotnice, ki v skladu s srednjeevropsko metodo kartiranja spada v kvadrant 9658/2. Ta kvadrant se nahaja na meji dveh naravnogeografskih enot – Pohorja in Dravinjskih goric, kot tudi dveh fitogeografskih regij – alpske in subpanonske. Vse to prispeva k raznolikosti ekoloških razmer v kvadrantu. Pred začetkom terenskega dela je bil za ta kvadrant znan 301 takson praprotnic in semenk (podatkovni zbirki “Flora Slovenije” Centra za kartografijo favne in flore in “FloVegSi” Biološkega inštituta ZRC SAZU). V letih od 2008 do 2011 smo v 35 terenskih dneh opravili 206 popisov na 97 popisnih ploskvah in zabeležili 555 taksonov, 314 od teh novih za kvadrant. Uspevanja 57 taksonov nismo uspeli potrditi. Za 25 od zabeleženih taksonov velja poseben naravovarstveni režim. Izpostavimo lahko tri ogrožene vrste vlažnih habitatov, ki so v Sloveniji zelo redke: Carex bohemica, Cyperus michelianus in Eleocharis carniolica. Zabeležili smo nekaj vrst, o katerih obstaja le malo podatkov o njihovem pojavljanju v Sloveniji, npr. Onopordum acanthium in Silene nemoralis. Na podlagi rezultatov je možno izpostaviti dve območji, ki sta floristično pestri in naravovarstveno zanimivi, to sta naravni spomenik Partovec - ribnik in gozd okoli ribnika ter območje SV od Gračiča.

Ključne besede: Flora Slovenije, praprotnice, semenke, Dravinjske gorice, Pohorje, naravovarstvo, razširjenost rastlin





