Growth characteristics of norway spruce in the Pokljuka mires and forests / Rastne značilnosti smreke na pokljuških barjih in gozdovih


  • Lado Kutnar Slovenian Forestry Institute, Department of Forest Ecology


The spruce mires and forests on the Pokljuka plateau are characterised by very diverse ecological conditions, plant species diversity, and a high variability of spruce-tree growth. The ecological conditions are well indicated by the floristic composition and vegetation. Therefore, based on the similarity of the floristic composition, plant-species cover and vertical vegetation structure, the studied spruce mires and spruce forests were clustered into six eco-vegetation groups. The growth characteristics of the spruce trees were tested among different eco-vegetation groups. The differences in the mean age of the spruce trees among the eco-vegetation groups are not significant. However, significant differences in the spruce-tree growth regime between trees growing on the mires and in the forest have been confirmed. The significant differences in mean tree height, mean tree breast diameter and in mean tree-ring widths have been established. The slow growth of spruce trees on the mires can be explained by harsh ecological conditions, especially by high soil water content and high ground water level.

Key words: tree height, tree breast diameter, tree-ring, spruce mire, spruce forest, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Slovenia


Za smrekova barja in gozdove na Pokljuški planoti so značilne zelo različne ekološke razmere, rastlinska raznovrstnost in velika variabilnost rasti smrekovih dreves. Floristična sestava in vegetacija dobro nakazujeta ekološke razmere, zato smo proučevana smrekova barja in smrekove gozdove razvrstili na podlagi floristične podobnosti, stopnje zastiranja rastlinskih vrst in vertikalne strukture vegetacije v šest eko-vegetacijskih skupin. Po eko-vegetacijskih skupinah smo primerjali rastne značilnosti smrekovih dreves. Ugotovili smo, da razlike v povprečni starosti smrekovih dreves med eko-vegetacijskimi skupinami niso statistično značilne. Vendar pa obstajajo značilne razlike v rastnemu režimu smrekovih dreves na barjih in v gozdu. Značilne razlike smo ugotovili v povprečni višini drevesa, povprečnem prsnem premeru dreves in povprečni širini drevesnih branik. Počasna rast smrekovih dreves na barjih je posledica neugodnih ekoloških razmer, predvsem visoke vsebnosti vode v tleh in visokega nivoja podtalnice.

Ključne besede: višina drevesa, prsni premer drevesa, drevesna branika, smrekovo barje, smrekov gozd, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Slovenija





