Syntaxonomic problems of altimontane beech forests of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion in Slovenia / Sintaksonomski problemi altimontanskih bukovih gozdov zveze Aremonio-Fagion v Sloveniji


  • Mitja Zupančič Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti


The aim of the paper is to determine the syntaxonomic position of altimontane beech forests of Slovenia on the basis of a phytocenological synthesis table. At the same time, we are publishing analytical table for the associations Stellario montanae-Fagetum (= Aceri-Fagetum dinaricum), Aconito paniculati-Fagetum (= Aceri-Fagetum austroalpinum) and Cardamine waldsteinii-Fagetum var. Abies alba (= Aceri-Fagetum pohoricum). The valid synthesis table for these associations was published in 1969 (Zupančič 1969). New sub-associations Stellario-Fagetum adenostyletosum alliariae, Stellario-Fagetum typicum, Aconito paniculati-Fagetum typicum and Aconito paniculati-Fagetum sorbetosum chamaemespilus are described.

Key words: phytocenology, altimontane beech forests, Slovenia


V razpravi želimo na podlagi sintezne fitocenološke tabele opredeliti sintaksonomski položaj altimontanskih bukovih gozdov Slovenije. Hkrati objavljamo analitično tabelo z asociacijami Stellario montanae-Fagetum (= Aceri-Fagetum dinaricum), Aconito paniculati-Fagetum (= Aceri-Fagetum austroalpinum) in Cardamine waldsteinii-Fagetum var. Abies alba (= Aceri-Fagetum pohoricum). Za te asociacije je bila veljavna sintezna tabela, objavljena leta 1969 (Zupančič 1969). Opisane so nove subasociacije Stellario-Fagetum adenostyletosum alliariae, Stellario-Fagetum typicum ter Aconito paniculati-Fagetum typicum in Aconito paniculati-Fagetum sorbetosum chamaemespilus.

Ključne besede: fitocenologija, altimontanski bukovi gozdovi, Slovenija





