Sites of rare form of auricula (Primula auricula var. tolminensis nom. prov.) in the southern Julian Alps / Rastišča redke oblike lepega jegliča (Primula auricula var. tolminensis nom. prov.) v južnih Julijskih Alpah


  • Anka Rudolf Beblerjeva 10, 5280 Idrija
  • Branko Vreš Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Research Station Ig, Zagorica 20, SI-1292 Ig
  • Igor Dakskobler Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional Unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin




In the southern Julian Alps under the northwestern ridge of Kobilja Glava above the pasture of Lom and on the slopes of Krikov Vrh between pastures of Lom and Kuk (Podkuk), on stony shady pasturelands and in limestone and dolomite rocks at elevations ranging between 1,100 and 1,200 m, two forms of auricula (Primula auricula) occur side by side. The more common specimens with bright (deep) yellow flowers are accompanied and outnumbered by plants with slightly smaller stems and distinctly pale, lemon-coloured flowers. Although Primula auricula as a species boasts impressive variability in the size and shape of leaves and their meal covering, as well as in the size and colour of flowers, we have not observed populations with such distinctly pale yellow flowers anywhere else in Slovenia. The taxa described elsewhere in the distribution area of Primula auricula s. lat. (including those that supposedly belong to Primula lutea) are distinctly different from the studied auriculas, at least in terms of flower colour. We infer that they are a new variety, Primula auricula var. tolminensis (the Tolmin auricula), but will have to conduct further research to corroborate this conclusion. In this paper we describe its sites and current distribution. 

Key words: flora, taxonomy, infraspecies variability, phytosociology, Primula auricula, Kobilja Glava, Julian Alps, Slovenia 


V južnih Julijskih Alpah, pod severozahodnim grebenom Kobilje glave nad planino Lom in na pobočjih Krikovega vrha med to planino in planino Kuk (Podkuk) na kamnitih osojnih pašnikih in v apnenčastem in dolomitnem skalovju na nadmorski višini med 1100 m in 1200 m skupaj rasteta dve obliki lepega jegliča (Primula auricula). Poleg običajno živo (temno) rumeno cvetočih primerkov, ki so v manjšini, prevladujejo rastline z nekoliko manjšimi stebli in cvetovi, ki imajo izrazito svetlorumeno, limonasto barvo. Čeprav je za vrsto Primula auricula značilna velika variabilnost glede velikosti in oblike listov in njihovega poprha, kot tudi glede velikosti in barve cvetov, takih izrazito svetlorumeno cvetočih populacij drugje v Sloveniji do zdaj nismo opazili. Tudi taksoni, ki so opisani drugod v območju areala vrste Primula auricula s. lat. (tudi tisti, ki naj bi pripadali vrsti Primula lutea) se vsaj v barvnem odtenku cvetov od preučenih avrikljev očitno razlikujejo. Sklepamo, da gre za novo varieteto Primula auricula var. tolminensis, slovensko jo imenujemo tolminski jeglič, kar pa bomo morali v nadaljnjih raziskavah še potrditi. V prispevku opisujemo njena rastišča in do zdaj znano razširjenost. 

Ključne besede: flora, taksonomija, znotrajvrstna variabilnost, fiteconeologija, Primula auricula, Kobilja glava, Julijske Alpe, Slovenija 






