Nigritella widderi Teppner & E. Klein, a new species in the flora of Slovenia / Nigritella widderi Teppner & E. Klein, nova vrsta v flori Slovenije


  • Igor Dakskobler Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Branko Dolinar Ljubljana
  • Branko Zupan Bohinjska Bistrica
  • Roman Iskra Jesenice
  • Peter Strgar Bohinjska Bistrica
  • Amadej Trnkoczy Bovec


In the Julian Alps, on the mountain pasture Klek on the Pokljuka plateau and in the Triglav mountains (Lazovški preval, Ogradi, Mišelj vrh, Koštrunovec) we discovered orchids of the genus Nigritella with pale pink flowers. Based on their colour and the shape of the inflorescence, the structure of a single flower and their flowering period we determined them as Nigritella widderi. This eastern-Alpine-Apennine species is a novelty in the flora of both the Julian Alps and the Southeastern Alps in general. We described its sites and made a phytosociological table to present the communities of alpine swards on calcareous bedrock, which are host also to some other species from the genus Nigritella, especially Nigritella bicolor.

Key words: Nigritella widderi, N. bicolor, Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis, the Julian Alps, the Triglav National park, Slovenia


V Julijskih Alpah, na pl. Klek na Pokljuki in v Triglavskem pogorju (Lazovški preval, Ogradi, Mišelj vrh, Koštrunovec) smo opazili svetlorožnato cvetoče murke, ki smo jih po barvi in obliki socvetja, po zgradbi posameznega cveta in po času cvetenja določili za vrsto Nigritella widderi. Ta vzhodnoalpsko-apeninska vrsta je novost v flori Julijskih Alp in Jugovzhodnih Alp nasploh. Opisali smo njena rastišča in s fitocenološko tabelo predstavili združbe alpinskih travišč na karbonatni podlagi, v kateri poleg nje rastejo še nekatere druge vrste iz rodu Nigritella, najbolj pogosto vrsta Nigritella bicolor.

Ključne besede: Nigritella widderi, N. bicolor, Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis, Julijske Alpe, Triglavski narodni park, Slovenija






