Netreski (Sempervivum L.) in netreskovci (Jovibarba Opiz) v Sloveniji / Houseleeks (Sempervivum L.) and hen-and-chicks (Jovibarba Opiz) in Slovenia


  • Jure Slatner


V Sloveniji avtohtono rasteta dve vrsti netreskov (rod Sempervivum) in dve vrsti netreskovcev (rod Jovibarba). Vse štiri vrste so uvrščene v seznam zavarovanih rastlin, ena vrsta je zaradi izjemno majhnega areala še posebej ogrožena. Tako kot povsod po Evropi smo jih in jih še vedno gojimo na strehah in uporabljamo tudi kot zdravilno rastlino. 

V prispevku je predstavljeno nekaj njihovih osnovnih morfoloških značilnosti in trenutne razmere na njihovih rastiščih, omenjene so raziskave v zvezi z antibiotičnem učinku in poskuse v zvezi s kaljivostjo semen. 

Predstavljena je novoodkrita populacija Sempervivum osti-jarej nom. prov., katere posebna lastnost je dlakavost zgornje in spodnje povrhnjice listov. Njen sistematski status je še povsem nedoločen, najverjetneje pa sodi v agregat vrste S. tectorum

Ključne besede: flora, netresk, netreskovec, Slovenija, Sempervivum osti-jarej


There are two species of houseleeks (g. Sempervivum) and two species of hen and chickens (g. Jovibarba) growing wild in Slovenia. They are all included on the list of endangered plants, one of them is especially endangered because of its small areal. As everywhere else in Europe, houseleeks are still grown on roofs as well as they are used in medicine. 

In this article, some morphological characteristics of these plants and some abiotic factors on their habitats are presented, as well as the possibilities of using houseleeks as antibiotics. Due to the testing, we also reject the hypothesis of exclusively vegetative reproduction, houseleeks’ seeds germinate excellent, and the rate is more than 75 %. 

A new taxon of houseleeks is presented: Sempervivum osti-jarej nom. prov., probably belonging to aggregate S. tectorum, which characteristic is completely and constantly hairy-glandular leaves. Its systematic status is still completely indeterminated. 

Key words: flora, houseleek, hen-and-chick, Slovenia, Sempervivum osti-jarej





