A new locality of Botrychium virginianum in the Gorjanci Hills, the southernmost locality in Slovenia and Central Europe / Novo nahajališče vrste Botrychium virginianum na Gorjancih, najjužnejše v Sloveniji in v srednji Evropi


  • Jože Kosec
  • Igor Dakskobler Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional research unit, Tolmin, and Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources


The paper offers an overview of new localities of a rare and endangered pteridophyte Botrychium virginianum in the Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps and gives a detailed description of the new locality in the Gorjanci Hills (southern Slovenia). The new locality is situated on a shady slope at the elevation of about 500 m in a montane beech forest classified into the association Lamio orvalae-Fagetum. We propose that this forest stand be protected as an eco cell. This is, except for one locality in Hungary, the southernmost locality in Central Europe. Botrychium virginianum grows further to the south only in Romania. 

Key words: Botrychium virginianum, phytogeography, Lamio orvale-Fagetum, Lamio orvalae-Salicetum eleagni, Gorjanci, Julian Alps, Slovenia, Italy


Prikazujemo nova nahajališča redke in ogrožene praprotnice Botrychium virginianum v Julijskih in Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah in podrobno opisujemo novo nahajališče v Gorjancih (južna Slovenija). Tam raste na osojnem pobočju na nadmorski višini okoli 500 m v gorskem bukovem gozdu, ki ga uvrščamo v asociacijo Lamio orvalae-Fagetum. Za ta gozdni sestoj predlagamo zaščito v obliki ekocelice. To je, poleg nahajališča na južnem Madžarskem, najbolj južno nahajališče v srednji Evropi. Bolj južno raste le še v Romuniji. 

Ključne besede: Botrychium virginianum, fitogeografija, Lamio orvale-Fagetum, Lamio orvalae-Salicetum eleagni, Gorjanci, Julijske Alpe, Slovenija, Italija





