Nekaj redkih miocenskih polžev iz okolice Šentjerneja v Krški dolini / Several rare Miocene gastropods from surroundings of Šentjernej in Krka basin, Slovenia


  • Vasja Mikuž Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo
  • Aleš Šoster Vojnik


V članku so predstavljeni nekateri miocenski polži, ki jih najdemo v Sloveniji samo na Dolenjskem. Posebnost so badenijske plasti na južnem obrobju Krške kotline v okolici Šentjerneja, kjer so pogostne hišice polžev Pereiraea gervaisi (Vézian, 1856). V prispevku so predstavljeni še nekateri drugi veliko redkejši polži iz badenijskih laporovcev Gorenjega Vrhpolja, Orehovice ter z ozemlja med Loko in Gorenjim Mokrim poljem. Prvikrat pri nas je najdena in opisana polžja hišica vrste Lyria picturata (Grateloup, 1834). Obravnavane so še druge razmeroma redke in bolje ohranjene polžje hišice vrst: Calyptraea chinensis (Linné, 1766), Crepidula cochlearis Basterot, 1825, Tibia dentata (Grateloup, 1840), Euthriofusus virgineus (Grateloup, 1833) in Athleta rarispina (Lamarck, 1811). V najdišču Gorenje Vrhpolje so primerki polžev Pereiraea gervaisi in Tibia dentata najdeni v istih plasteh badenijske starosti, kar je posebnost v Centralni Paratetidi. Ugotovljeno je tudi, da imajo najverjetneje od plenilskih rakov, vse najdene hišice tibij in veliko pereirejinih ter drugih polžev na enak način lomljeno zunanjo ustno. Pogosto so hišice obeh oblik polžev tudi brez starejših zavojev, torej imajo odlomljene vrhove. 

Ključne besede: polži, miocen, badenij, Centralna Paratetida, Krška kotlina, Slovenija 


In the paper several Miocene gastropods that can be found in Slovenia only in Dolenjsko region are presented. In the exceptional Badenian beds of the southern border of the Krka basin in the Šentjernej environs occur abundant shells of gastropods Pereiraea gervaisi (Vézian, 1856). In addition, we deal with several other much rarer gastropods from Badenian marlstones of Gorenje Vrhpolje, Orehovica and of the area between Loka and Gorenje Mokro polje. The first time was found in Slovenia and described a gastropod shell of species Lyria picturata (Grateloup, 1834). Considered were also other relatively rare and better preserved gastropod shells of species: Calyptraea chinensis (Linné, 1766), Crepidula cochlearis Basterot, 1825, Tibia dentata (Grateloup, 1840), Euthriofusus virgineus (Grateloup, 1833) and Athleta rarispina (Lamarck, 1811). In locality Gorenje Vrhpolje occur specimens of gastropods Pereiraea gervaisi and Tibia dentata that were found in the same beds of Badenian age, which is an exception for the Central Paratethys. In addition, it was established that all found shells of tibias and many of pereiraeas and other gastropods have the outer lip cut in the same manner, which was most probably done by the predatory crabs. Shells of both forms of gastropods are often without the older whorls, that is with tops broken off. 

Key words: gastropods, Miocene, Badenian, Central Paratethys, Krka basin, Slovenia





