Eocenski morski ježki iz okolice Gračišća pri Pazinu v osrednji Istri / The Eocene sea urchins from vicinity of Gračišće near Pazin in Central Istria, Croatia


  • Vasja Mikuž Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo
  • Miloš Bartol Geocentrum, Uppsala
  • Aleš Šoster


Obravnavani so eocenski morski ježki iz kaotičnih flišnih breč najdišča Gračišće pri Pazinu v osrednji Istri na Hrvaškem. Najdišče je zanimivo zaradi njihove velike diverzitete, po relativno majhnem številu primerkov morskih ježkov, po prisotnosti ostankov številnih drugih fosilnih organizmov, odsotnosti nekaterih oblik morskih ježkov, ki so najdene v drugih istrskih lokacijah, ter po fosilih, ki so ugotovljeni samo v Gračišću. Morske ježke iz Gračišća smo primerjali z morskimi ježki iz drugih istrskih najdišč in ugotovili razmeroma velike razlike med njimi. Kalcitni nanoplankton je bartonijsko-priabonijski in ustreza združbi biocone NP 17. 

Ključne besede: morski ježki, eocen, Gračišće pri Pazinu, Istra, Hrvaška


The chaotic flysch breccias from the vicinity of Gračišće near Pazin in Central Istria (Croatia) contain sea urchin fossils of Eocene age. The site is interesting because of the diversity of fossil finds including a relatively small number of sea urchins excluding several species which are known from other sites in Istria and for numerous fossils of other marine organisms including some that are only known from this site. The sea urchins from Gračišće were compared to those from other sites in Istria and found to be rather different. The biostratigraphic dating of the marly matrix attached to macrofossils allowed their age to be assigned to the standard nannoplankton biozone NP17 corresponding to the Bartonian-Priabonian. 

Key words: sea urchins, Eocene, Gračišće near Pazin, Istria, Croatia





