Buckwheat – Challenges in nutrition and technology / Ajda – izzivi v tehnologiji in prehrani
buckwheat, Tartary buckwheat, flour, products, gluten-free productsAbstract
The buckwheat market is dominated by common buckwheat, however, the production of Tartary buckwheat is also growing. New varieties of Tartary buckwheat have been registered, and the technology of husking and grinding is being developed. The offer of Tartary buckwheat is becoming more accessible for consumers, and buckwheat products and beverages is strongly increasing in the industry.
The selection of buckwheat dishes in gastronomy is becoming more and more noticeable. Buckwheat festivals, days of buckwheat delicacies, weeks of buckwheat cuisine, and competitions in preparing buckwheat dishes are organized. Traditional and modern media are contributing to the growing popularity of buckwheat. Gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose- free products (including buckwheat) are becoming a food hit. Buckwheat products with less salt are part of the offer of healthy foods.
The present results were presented at the 3th EuroIbra, Prague, Czech Republic in September 2021, and published on the first time in this publication.
Na trgu prevladuje navadna ajda, narašča tudi pridelava in uporaba tatarske ajde. Potrjene so nove sorte tatarske ajde, razvija se tehnologija luščenja in mletja ajde. Za potrošnike postaja ponudba tatarske ajde dostopnejša. V industriji se močno razvija ponudba ajdovih izdelkov in pijač. Na trgu je veliko različnih ajdovih kruhov (delež ajde je večinoma do 30 %), tudi ajdov toast in ajdov prepečenec. Prevladuje uporaba navadne ajde, kruhov iz tatarske ajde je malo.
Ponudba ajdovih jedi v gastronomiji je vedno bolj opazna. Organizirajo se festivali ajde, dnevi ajdovih dobrot, tedni ajdove kulinarike, tekmovanja v pripravi ajdovih jedi. K vedno večji popularnosti ajde prispevajo tradicionalni in sodobni mediji. Med svoje vsebine uvrščajo ajdove jedi, ki jim gostinci dajejo pridih kulinaričnih doživetij. Priljubljeni postajajo ajdovi izdelki in jedi brez glutena, brez sladkorja in brez laktoze. Tudi ajdovi izdelki z manj soli so vključeni v ponudbe izdelkov in jedi za ohranjanje zdravja.
Ta članek je bil predstavljen na 3th EuroIbra, Prague, Czech Republic, septembra 2021, tu pa je prvič objavljen.